18 July, 2018

Low Waste Toiletry List...

All natural, chemical free, DIY things made at home.
* Soapnuts soap (soapnuts + citrus peels)
* Moisturizer/lipbalm/hand cream/foot Cream/hair serum/massage oil (mix of oils)
* Sesame seed oil as sunscreen (doesn't block tan)
* Herbal shampoo (no poo)
* Conditioner (Apple Cider Vinegar diluted in water)
* Bugspray (Diluted Neem oil)
* Toner/Freshner (rose water)
* Perfume (patchouli oil)
* Acne/spot treatment (tea tree oil)
* Room freshner/deo spray (baking soda+water+essential oil)
* Cream deo (baking soda+coconut oil+essential oil)
* Bamboo toothbrush
* Toothpaste (coconut oil+baking soda+clove oil+Neem+peppermint essential oil)
* Eyeliner/Kajal (activated charcoal+castor oil+vegan wax)
* Decanted all the old lipsticks to use them up in small containers. Will make beetroot+vegan wax lipstick when these run out
#Zerowaste #toiletries
#DIYs #makeyourownconcoctions #saynotochemicals #saynotoplastics

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