16 January, 2018

Third World

Two centuries ago, a single region in the world was contributing 80% of the world’s GDP, was one of the most advanced in spiritual, scientific, medicine, cultural, religious, astronomy, astrology, mathematics and several other educational fields. Then came the foreigners. First the travelers, explorers, missionaries, philosophers, and then the conquerors. She was turned into a slave. Her science, medicine, education techniques and syllabus were all laughed upon, hospitals shut down, universities closed. She was looted for her wealth, resources, and used to dispose-off all the surplus products from the industries of the foreign lands. Two centuries later, she became the poorest. And now, the foreigners call her the most polluting, when her people weren’t ever the ones to bring plastic/chemical/fossil fuels into the world in the first place. They had only been practicing, ‘take what you need from nature and nature would look after you’ people, but were called uncivilized pagans. Alas

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